Saturday, May 30, 2015

Time After Time

Good Morning,

Peace to you, as I seek to find my own peace within.

Must write as I seek and find more Wisdom regarding a health experience I've been having for a couple of years.

Since age 19 when I was diagnosed with a dermatitis, I've been periodically challenged with symptoms of the skin that I've managed.  Two years ago I developed another skin issue, eczema, that has progressed until it now involves most of my body and seriously interferes with my sleep and other aspects of my life.  I've explored the causes and realized many things, most of all that at deep levels I feel vulnerable and carry a karmic shame.  That's another story I might tell another time.

The crux of all this is the word, "manage."  Like most of us, when an issue presents itself I look for what it is I need to "do" to take care of it.  I sought help from my angels and guides, I gave up coffee and sugar, limited my fruits, in other words I'm on what is called the Paleo diet to avoid anything that might trigger histamines and more itching.  And I have more symptoms than ever.  Huh.

There is Wisdom in every symptom, so I relate again to what Archangel Michael told us a while back:  "You humans use so much energy trying to figure things out.  It's time to stop and ask us for help.  Let us help you." 

Thanks to a conversation this morning with our dear friend, Nancy, I suddenly realized that the new energetics of the planet are so foreign to us that we are literally incapable of knowing what to do with or about them.  Our only choice is to entirely surrender - or to settle for the alternative, which means continuous struggle. Finally, to surrender completely, trusting that with faith in the support of our human and interdimensional friends we will find peace.  Peace within, peace without. 

Here I am, and telling my story is part of the surrender.  I've never liked giving up control, and admitting that I'm vulnerable is an extension of that .  And now, I know that I will further follow my own counsel and pay attention to where my attention is, period.  With breath, I ask what my system tells me it needs now.  Continued breathing and responding to what System calls for is my journey.  Period.  Such deep practice in surrendering.  My intention is that I achieve what will serve me best, realizing that this is a journey, not a destination.  I've cancelled my plans to travel to see family and friends this week so that I might use this time to firmly establish this new pattern, for my own sake, then however it might support others.

Until next time,

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Hello, again!

This postscript follows my last two posts, and on this curious journey I'm grateful that Wisdom comes when we give it room.

Turns out that the repetition is our System seeking to deliver a message - at the same time informing me of my tendency to see the pattern as some flaw in my condition.  So efficient.  

To illustrate, let's say that the repetition cycle is similar to the experience of a person with amnesia whose memory begins to return in repeating flashes of memory until it becomes clear.

Each of us is an experience of the Collective Consciousness.  We come in with a kind of amnesia so that we can live out our soul agreement as an original creation.  If we consciously knew all that was stored within us, fully equipped with all Wisdom, there would be no point in volunteering for this life.  Our Universe is not redundant.  Each life is as unique as a snowflake.  The snowflake arrives on Earth with a memory of the source from which it comes, so the design is complemetary to its source, and the design is original in its own right.

So do we hold the memory of Source, and our design is unique and intended to achieve a completely original experience.  A we proceed in life the memory of Source blinks in and out.  The repetition I wrote about in "The Internal Monitor" is actually the blinking in and out of the Wisdom we need for that time to expand our perfect design.  We access some of what was hidden in the Unknown so that it expands our Known.  Tadah!

So, for instance, when I replay the conversation I had with someone, there is more Wisdom in that event than I had thought.
My System knows I have more to learn from it.  Our Systems will persist until we realize the importance of the expanded message.  The impressive thing about this is that if, when I realize I feel stuck in a thought, I can access that Wisdom by breathing deeply and asking for the Wisdom in it.  Then, letting it go entirely with gratitude, the Wisdom will come to me and the repetitive cycle will stop.  And I will be all the wiser :)

I am so grateful for the grace that brings me so much insight. Thanks for joining me on the trip!


Monday, May 25, 2015

The Internal Monitor

Greetings Everyone!

Maybe you have one, too.  If you don't, congratulations!  If you recognize yourself in this post, we may be learning together how to release a pattern so old, so ingrained, that we hardly know we have an option.

Only recently I've become aware that I am in a nearly constant state of reviewing life; what has just happened, what still lies on my plate to be done, what I might do better, etc.  My internal monitor is in motion a good deal of the time.

Meditation is a time when I release it.  Sleep is a release, and when I am engrossed in something productive or entertaining I give my monitor a break - I give myself a break.  This is probably one of the reasons we become involved in addictive behaviors, whether that manifests as alcoholism, excessive spending, drugs, or any of the many other addictions we've created as a means to shut off the monitor.  Because it's a haunting condition from which we need a break, we may seek out a behavior that provides the relief. Of course, the addictive behavior becomes another trigger for the internal monitor, and so it goes.

I could call it self-consciousness, but that doesn't seem to describe the way it now feels to me.  It now feels like an on-running addiction of its own; as if we really don't know how to function without it.  It feels like a control mechanism, as if to release it means losing a comfort like a security blanket.

Becoming aware of this inborn mechanism, I realize how much energy is invested in reviewing and assessing my life, all running like an old vinyl record with a scratch in it, repeating, repeating and keeping my brain occupied with energy-consuming ritual.

I don't mean to downplay the benefits that can come from the internal monitor.  It has helped me recognize patterns in my life that could be changed for my benefit.  It helps me sometimes realize by sharing information about my life that I might otherwise miss.  It's the repetition and judgement that steal my peace.  

How might we change this consuming pattern which can make us more self-conscious?  My current assessment is that any of that, now, could be channeled  through Mind instead of brain chatter. The Wisdom of Mind knows and will follow our direction, our intention to change the pattern.  First, it means identifying whether it is a personal pattern.  Then if it is, like changing any behavior, when I identify it, in that moment I break the thought with a deep breath. Repeat this technique long enough and we can feel the relief and the benefit of channeling that energy for more constructive pursuits.

That's it for now.  As I process this constructively, I may have more to share and I thank you for the audience you provide that prompts me to self-discovery.  In this instance, I can feel increased freedom simply knowing the internal monitor exists and can be altered.  I wish us all increasing peace.


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

"The Circle of Known"

Hello, Everyone!

My thanks to a friend, Ruth, who called today, for prompting me to this post.  You know how we learn something, tuck it away, and only remember to share it when it's time.  Today is that time.

Many years ago I read an article in Science of MIND magazine (March, 1992) that posed one of Einstein's theories and helped me so much to remedy a question that I'd pondered for a very long time: why did I have such an insatiable curiosity that demanded answers, along with the frustrating feeling  that I could never satisfy it!

Einstein called his theory "The Circle of Known."  

Imagine, if you will, a colorful space with a clear circle in the center of it.  Label the colored outer space, "Unknown," and in the center of the circle insert the word, "Known." Einstein's illustration so aptly posed that what we know is metaphorically held within the circle.  And all that we do not know is in the outside, unlimited space.  In layman's terms, his theory illustrates that as we pursue knowledge - read a book, take a class, hear music, ponder nature, grow relationships, etc. - the circumference of the circle Known, expands, thus touching a greater area of the Unknown.

What we know and how we know ourselves continues to expand as we grow and become; our circle of Known expands.  The circumference grows larger, thus increasing exposure to Unknown territory.   As the article says,  "The more you know, the more you know how little you know."  

I love this so much!  It brings me a certain peace to know that I will never know everything piqued by my curiosity.  Continuing to learn as long as I live is an ideal I hold dear.  And I thank my clients, friends and family for stimulating my curiosity. But if Einstein is correct, and I believe that he is, learning is a journey, not a destination.

Relaxing into learning and fulfilling my part in expanding the Mind of God, I am grateful.  I'm a project.  We are each a project under construction.  The Unknown that eludes me will be embraced by someone else on the journey of satisfying this insatiable human curiosity.

Breathing into the Limitless Journey,
With Love, Phyllis

Friday, May 8, 2015

Another Opportunity for Service

Hello, Again!

Seems I'm just full of words today, but this may be a short post as it is getting late.

I'm noticing the theme of alarmists increasingly drawing negative attention to the economy.  And I'm aware of it in reference to the stress I wrote about this morning.

Please let's remember that where we place our attention we create - something.  And negative, alarmist energy is very compelling, so we are drawn in before we realize we are creating exactly that which we fear most.  Fear is like a magnetic glue.  

We have not only an opportunity, but a responsibility, to examine the energy we want to give to anything, especially in this highly energized creational period in our evolution.

At the same time, resisting an idea will only give it energy - the primary law of resist-persist.  Bad mouthing those who are alarmed  is one of the ways we resist.  So how do we go about counteracting the negativity?

We are very creative, so you will find your own means to achieve a focus on the positive, but if you know me, you know I have a suggestion based on channeled Wisdom:  Breathe deeply when triggered by the negative messages to release as much as possible a natural tendency to react.  Breathing, you release your attraction to it.  You may then choose to surround the subject, in this case the economy, with what you can visualize as a bright light or a sphere of light energy that offers that consciousness the opportunity to release the tension.  Breathing again, then, to release it to a greater Wisdom, you've done your due diligence.  Some find it helpful to state an intention, such as, "I release my tension and surrender this situation to the greater good."

We are more powerful and persuasive than we can imagine.  Let's use that energy to achieve the balance we prefer.

Breathing into that balance with you, until next time,

Our Spring Tonic

Hello, Everyone :)

This spring is a tonic to me.  I love it so much, and I started a post this a.m. to rhapsodise about it, but interrupted myself, just not feeling it, and now I think I know why.  I just felt wonky.

It seems we've struck a particularly fragile planetary energetic, and I am breathing deeply to offset the effect - for myself and for anyone else who may be feeling the same.

Several fractured situations entered my world this morning; client health issues, toxic rage, bizarre references, TV sound/visuals out of sync.  I do not believe in coincidences.  And I'm grateful for my friend whose call made me laugh - and breathe more deeply.

Checking on the state of things, I see a visual of energy that can affect us like sharp slices that hit at random emotional, mental and physical locations.  Not everyone is affected the same way, but the fragility seems widespread.

Yesterday was such an extremely productive day for me that I was taken by surprise at all of this, but nothing should really surprise us these days.  At this point in our evolution the energy shifts quickly, moving us along much as we said we wanted - and had no idea what we were wishing.

On the other hand, we are deeply imbedded in a cycle of accelerated creation that makes possible anything we clearly intend.  Bringing our goals out of the dream/wishing state and into full-blown reality is now a state of new being.

The key is to speak aloud our intentions, breathe deeply into it and totally release it.  Our doors to cosmic creation are always open, but when we get logical and try to control things, attaching to outcomes,  making lists and counting our pennies, we block the door.  We activate the flow when we affirm and surrender.  Funny how we had it backwards for so long.  Not funny how it felt, but here we are and we do have a sense of humor, don't we?!

Today I affirm peace and grace.  It is mine as I allow it.  Breath is the key and it is free, so let's hit the rhythm together.  Hurrah!

Until next time,