Friday, July 1, 2011

It's a New Day!

Greetings with Gratitude!

On this perfect day of both New Moon and Solar Eclipse, I'm up early. Actually woke up just in time to greet the eclipse and felt moved to post here for the first time in weeks. So, welcome!

Archangel Michael has a report for us: "Turn your eyes away from the disarray that might distract you. Yes, there is much in chaotic transition. All of it will come to fruition in a manner no one expects. So it is not possible now to plan for a future in your traditional mode.

"Your future is assured. Make no mistake. Those who see the transitional conditions and leap to conclusions that Earth will not survive must live with those realities. You need not. All is going as planned. Earth is managing her healing. Wounds will be healed. People will reach out to one another. Catastrophic events themselves will prove to be the means by which Earth's plan is effected. You will see much of this even in your lifetimes, though all change will take some time to reveal itself.

"Help is all around you. It always has been. It always will be. But you do need to ask for it. Give permission for help to reach you. Ask, then open to receive. Breathe. Breathe again.
Every human being has an equal opportunity to receive the support always available. If not all accept it, that is also a perfect choice - for them. Be the change agent in your household, your community, your country, and for the world. Be the change agent, allowing yourself to evolve with the Earth in this extraordinary time of personal and planetary transition. Breathe and breathe again. Breath moves energy beyond your own space.
Celebrate your perfection! We do.

"You are the change. And so it is done."

My thanks to each of you, breathing with you, and thanks to each of those in other vibrations who love and support us. We are perfect. I am so grateful to be taking the ride with you.

Until next time,

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