Monday, May 2, 2011

A Human Being is Dead

Peace to All of You,

This gray day in Minnesota, is a gray day all across the globe, and I feel compelled to sign on for the first time in weeks to acknowledge it.

We could not have known as we woke yesterday morning, the first day of May, 2011, that by the end of the day a world figure would have been assassinated. We could not have known as we sat in church, holding one another in the Sacred, that by the end of the day people all over the globe would be celebrating the death of an infamous figure.

Today I do not celebrate. Today I am sorrowful for the nature of human; that we still hold such hate for another person that we would celebrate that person's death. Worse, that we would celebrate the murder of any one other human being. Today I feel less human because I am part of a culture that can hold this event as a victory without acknowledging the Spirit of this now dead being. I see only the exacerbated contrasts in our human nature. And I pray for balance.

Part of my Consciousness feels I should apologize to you for bringing this negative energy by my words. Another, greater part, says these words must be expressed if ever we are to raise the Consciousness. How long are we to continue in the tradition of "an eye for an eye?" I pray we can be done with this. Let us honor the Spirit of any person and, seeking justice, find new and inspired ways to bring our humanity into balance.

I hold Osama bin Ladin in the Sacred. I do not understand him, nor his terrible actions. I acknowledge that his assignment, like that of Hitler and similar human villains, springs from a script none of us can understand.

Years ago when the bombs began dropping in the first stages of Desert Storm, I heard from Spirit that my assignment was to hold in the Sacred every human being on both sides of the conflict. From the Ayatollah to President Bush, from our soldiers to the Muslim citizens who would die, I was to see them all as a part of an event so mysterious we could not fathom it.
So I stopped screaming and breathed and encouraged others to do the same;
to stop reacting and judging and simply to breathe into the mystery of The Sacred.

We are all sacred expressions of the Creator. Each of us with an assignment. Each of us still judging and being judged. I am crying for all of us today in my own human reaction - and breathing. Always breathing for our possibilities.


Tony said...

• Thank you for having the courage to state a view that may not be understood by some or even met with anger by others. I too watched the celebrations with a feeling of weight upon my heart. I did see a few glimmers of hope out there; a childhood class mate posted this on facebook: “ Let's keep our military and high profile targets at home and abroad in our thoughts” and I heard a fireman on Tv that was at ground zero state that he did not feel this was a time for celebration but for quiet reflection. And then of course your blog! Thank you for giving voice to the sacredness of life. -Tony

Joanne said...

I second Tony's comments. I, too, have had a heavy heart for a couple days now as seeing this celebration of death dismays and upsets me. Every time I see photos of cheering Americans, I see, superimposed on them, the crowds of extremists cheering as they burn public figures in effigy. How can we decry that behavior when we practice it ourselves?

Thank you for having the courage to post these comments publicly. I don't know that I have the will to deal with the blowback on Facebook myself--yet.