Greetings in Gratitude!
Energy is my subject this morning, and where we shall go with it is any one's guess.
My granddaughter was excited to show me her new room arrangement on Sunday. Entering, I took a deep breath and realized that the old location of bed and bookshelves on opposite sides of the room were contrary to free flow of energy. This feels open and inviting. And the girls love it.
We do not always realize why we do not feel comfortable in a place or with a person or group. The energy of the situation is most often the cause for our uneasiness. Yet energy is thing we cannot see, so we do the best we can and go on, often not aware that the prevailing energy was the cause of our dis-ease. Learning how to re-form our energy can ease our lives. If you are uncomfortable in some areas of your home, changing the arrangement might help. So can breathing into a new energy.
I related in an earlier posting how the energy transit we experienced while I was in Duluth last affected me. To adjust, I took long, shuddering, spontaneous breaths that helped me cope. I felt disoriented and unstable. I had to cut my time short and get on the road.
The planet is in labor and the effect on the human system is very real. August 8th was the pivot point for our latest transit. The energy was different from the earlier shift, and I handled it differently. I stood outside of myself a lot and observed. It was not a day for successful pie baking, but the human classroom was effective.
We are beings of unlimited energy. We are born of Source, therefore we have all the elements of Source within and around us. Reflecting on the thoughts of a channel in Las Vegas who is exploring the subject of expanding consciousness, I summarize first my version of our Earth/Human dynamic.
We are born of Earth. Our mental, emotional and physical bodies are born of the density that is Earth. Our energy bodies are born of Spirit; what we might call God, Creator, Cosmic Consciousness or The All That Is. The differentiation of Earth and Heavens is important if we are to comprehend our relationship to ourselves and to the planet. Our density provides us the means to take the journey. Our spirit is the essence that precedes physical life and continues after the body dies. It is our connection to The All That Is and a reminder that we do not take this journey alone.
There is a reason that through the ages we have called God "He," and the Earth, "She." This is not a religious indoctrination that we can now change to fit a more ecumenical approach. We are born of both masculine and feminine energies. I do not call God, "she," any more than I would call the planet, "he." It does not fit. We are intended to have a mother and a father. Just as we procreate as humans, the format applies to the planet and the birthing of life here.
The energy of Mother Earth is expanding and contracting, just as the abdomen of a female expands and contracts during labor. She is birthing a new Earth. These energy cycles produce more seismic activity, more meteorological events and more stress in people. Just as in human labor, some of these labor cycles are more pronounced than others. So it was in mid-July, and so it was this past weekend.
Just as breath is taught in Lamaze classes to expectant mothers to help them through labor, I have been taught to use breath to assist Mother Earth and to adjust personal energy. We release stress with breath, and expanding our personal energy field further also assists in stress release. When we expand our energy field through breath, we also collaborate with others to support the birthing.
If you have ever meditated to expand your consciousness outside of yourself, you already know how to do this. Breathe deeply and imagine your personal energy is expanding like a balloon or sphere around you. Continue to breathe and imagine your energy is expanding outward, enveloping any person, place or situation you decide to include. Your energy is your consciousness and it expands with Wisdom in service to others, multiplies and returns to you.
It's important that we do not confuse this with sympathetic relationship. We are not seeking to identify with the experience of others, nor are we there to change them or it. The person or situation is perfect in ways we cannot imagine. The breathing helps us to disengage from reaction or judgement.
The breathing event expands the neutral energy/consciousness to include whatever might cause us stress. Thus, we are no longer using our energy in reaction to the situation. We are acknowledging what has always been true: we are spirit first and our energy bodies are unlimited in their capacity to contribute to the Whole. Breathing with intention, we are living the expanded life of increasing ease. Expanding consciousness we bring increased ease to the planet and assist in the birthing of a new Earth.
The cycles will continue as surely as the mother completes the labor and births the child. How will we be and who will we be? We cannot know what will come with certainty. We are evolving, after all, and we have free will. We do know that we are fully equipped for what will surely unfold. We are equipped with breath. It eases the density and gives expansive meaning to the spirit. We are Earth learning itself, organizing itself, breathing itself.*
Until next time,
I am Phyllis, Becoming
* Paraphrasing here from Sister Mary Therese MacGillis' speech, "Wellness and the Earth."