Friday, January 22, 2010

Spirit in the Sky

Greetings in Gratitude!

What a trip I've been taking the past 48 hours, and I have many lovely folks to thank for it.

First, let me give thanks and credit to my clients, friends and to my unique mother, sisters and brothers. When my System reveals a new thought, a boost to my vibration or a revelation it often comes because that person triggers my process, allowing or inviting me into their personal stream of consciousness. What a blessings this is to me and to the planet because whenever we learn something new, we expand Cosmic Consciousness (the Mind of God) and everyone benefits by osmosis. Wow!

Special credit and thanks go to my bio sister, friend and partner, Judith, whose insights and support led me to embrace a personal friendship with Christ that is not traditionally Christian. By her own unassuming quiet strength, she has always led the way and opened doors for me. What an amazing person!

My long-time friend, Nancy, inviting me along for her wild ride through the Cosmos, has opened doors I would never have considered. Our braided streams of Consciousness reveal energy and revelations I stretch to consider and, often, adopt. Thank you, Nancy.

Nancy helped me realize some time ago that waking to music in my head is a message from some part of my System revealing themselves and sending me a message. Clients also report music that, "I can't get out of my head!" This leads us into amazing and sweet messages. And it happened for me this morning when I woke with a phrase from Spirit in the Sky, the music I love from Norman Greenbaum. (To access the music, type "Spirit in the Sky" into your search engine. You can play several versions by scrolling down and selecting one of the album covers.)

The phrase is, "I'm not a sinner; I never sinned..." which Greenbaum apparently uses to reflect his rejection of Christianity. Well, I've grown out of my animosity toward any Christian teachings that once gave me heartburn, so that's not my message or my point. What it did was bring up my cellular belief that we are infected with sinful behaviors. I'd thought that I had put this to rest when I rejected the concept of Original Sin many years ago.

But here I am revealing to myself that an old belief, deeply buried, still influences the way I feel about myself sometimes. And now is the time for revealing old thought forms, considering them, and gratefully, intentionally releasing them. And for me the process it to feel the belief - as it is, not as I would like it to be - breathe deeply, thank it for its service and release it. For some beliefs many breaths are necessary to do the job. Ha!

Have you realized that when you breathe, thought and emotion, for the moment, disappear.
You cannot breathe and think or feel at the same time. Spirit is Breath, Breath is Spirit. So breath is the means to break up any disturbing pattern you find in your System.

Of course, you are entitled to hold onto any feeling or thought that is teaching you something, no matter how painful it is. But once you decide you've had enough of it, you can use your breath as the very best therapy I've ever found. Breathing repeatedly while intentionally reviewing an old thought form or stored emotion can entirely release it. Ta-Dah!

Happily breathing, until next time!

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