Wednesday, September 17, 2008


What an opportunity to post frequent messages of expanding consciousness as I am inspired!
My heartfelt gratitude goes out to all of you who stimulate new insights by your interactions with me. When I was first told 25 years ago that I had "a lot of work to do," I assumed Spirit meant the work I would do in service to others. I could not have imagined the extent of personal growth in front of me. Now, all these years later, I am excited and more curious than ever.

These days I am recommending reading - or re-reading - ILLUSIONS by Richard Bach. I was inspired to pull it off my shelves recently, and now read in it a very different voice than I was able to understand many years ago. My daughter, Paige, gets full credit for prodding me 30 years ago to read this momentous book. Thank you, Paige, and thank you, Richard Bach. I do not know if it is still in print, but if not, libraries have it, and perhaps a web search...

One of the early messages shared with me has been recently updated, and I share it with you here:

I do," Jesus

Until next time, Phyllis


Anonymous said...

Thank you for recommending "Illusions" by Richard Bach! Reading this book was a magical experience for me in helping me remember more of who I am. I am infinitely grateful !

Phyllis McCoy said...

Gayle, you are so inspiring. We can both thank Richard for raising our consciousness. Wow!
Blessings, Me