Friday, August 23, 2019

Happy to Be Back

Hello, Everyone!

"I will believe the truth about myself, no matter how beautiful it is."  - Rumi

My thanks to a friend, Dan, in Rochester for sending me this quote.  If I had heard it before, I had forgotten, but then messages are recognized when we most need them, aren't they?

I've been absent from this blog for some time and on hiatus from my client sessions since March.  A virus lingered through spring, and a DNA shift, specifically a metaphysic shift, (see footnote #) required that I pay very close attention to myself, making myself the priority perhaps for the first time in my 77 years.

Being at one with self to this depth has been quite a challenge.  But being ill forced me, and that was just the way it had to be.  So, while I felt scared at times, another part of me knew, knew with certainty, that this was all perfect and I would be informed.

I have seen a few clients over these 4 months, each time observing my energy level afterward.  Informative time.  Now that my energy levels are improving I am able to see clients again and will pace myself differently than I've done in the past using Wisdom to guide me.  I'm grateful to be serving my church this Sunday.  The rest will follow; glad to be sharing with clients again and including writing and energy work at another level.  Gratitude is not a sufficient word.

Also on a personal level, my family is thriving and they, with loving friends, have supported me throughout and that includes a dear friend, Nancy, living out her last months but still concerned about me.  She passed into Peace last Sunday, waking "surprised and delighted" I am sure.  I miss her, while knowing she is only a breath away.

I look forward to our renewed conversations and wish each of you the Peace that surpasses all understanding.


# for those interested, metaphase (from my metaphysic shift ref.) is one of the phases of chromosome development. Google references, including Rochester Mayo, a friend who recalled her high school biology !,  helped me understand the physical aspects.  As I "see" it, the ends the chromosomes are opening to relate and bond with one another in a new phase of our evolution.  While I don't have info about this reference: it most probably relates to the expanding DNA strands. 
Wisdom says that we who are poised to consciously support our DNA development will go through a metaphysic shift.  Just know that you do not need to become ill to achieve itπŸ˜‰πŸ‘ƒ  Following the guidelines to sleep more, drink plenty of water and eat good food, you will be fine.