Saturday, March 11, 2017

Speaking Out


Politics is not my favorite subject.  It has a devisive edge that leaves me cold.  On the other hand, I vote. 

Two friends who have responded to my recent post on Facebook cause me to look at the reasons I felt motivated to post "This is where I stand," regarding our current government.

I've reflected on Gandhi, a person I admire.  His example of passive resistance resonates for me.  In the light of our current political situation, I wonder if my usual position to stand and observe works, especially now.  

I choose my clothing, so why would I not choose my president?  To quote a friend, I held my nose and voted for Clinton; not because I admire her, but because I could not in good conscience vote for a man who says he loves America but attacks what we hold dear and uses political rhetoric to demean Americans.

If I see a child or an elderly person being abused do I simply observe or do I call the authorities?  As I see my country being abused I also take a stand while continuing to pray, meditate and hold the energy.  For me, it is not an either/or situation.  Gandhi saw a wrong and took a passive position to affect change by fasting.  Our public statements can be every bit as effective.  I also realize that I have a responsibility to choose carefully what I say.

I am so aware that what we resist persists.  Rather than simply copying the Facebook post, I had a personal responsibility to express my own thoughts.  It does support taking positive action and speaking out, taking a stand as we feel inspired,  is something we can all do to support the country we love. 

History has taught us that the price of silence in the face of madness is too high.
