Saturday, February 28, 2015

Our Sea of Emotions

Good Morning, Everyone!

Reflecting this morning on our emotions, I think it's fair to say that very few people are entirely comfortable with this aspect of being human.  

Many years ago an ultra-terrestrial group appeared during a work-shop in Hayward, WI.  Their conversation with us was like listening to a computer speaking, completely absent of emotion.
And they told us they were curious about us because we are the first species in our cosmic structure to combine an emotional body with the physical and mental.  We might think about it as being a melting pot in our Universe, much like the U.S. is a melting pot of many nationalities for Earth.  

This group with no emotion, then, functions purely from a mental and physical perspective and says we are worth studying to see how the experiment is working. (this is not to say that I feel we are being manipulated by some outside force.  No, we each volunteer for a life, and souls that choose a human life do so with the Wisdom of free will).

And so, I ponder, how are we doing in this grand experiment?  For the most part, I think that considering that we are still fledgling sailors on this uncharted sea, we are doing pretty well.  Still, we try editing our emotions when they take us to places we had not expected.  We are prone to taking a detour into the mental body to avoid the sudden impact an emotion can have on our systems, as if thoughts could save us from the consequences of allowing our feelings. 

This morning, waking in tears from a dream with profound messages, I found myself wondering how I "should" feel about the dream.  Whoa!  There are no shoulds, as we often say.  And certainly in the case of emotions, this is important information for me about avoidance.  Over the years I have grown increasingly comfortable with my emotions, but the sudden impact of unfamiliar, uncharted emotional waters caused me to react to protect myself.  And I wondered how often I have taken that route.

We manage our own systems.  It's entirely our choice in what direction we travel, what we explore and how we might choose to record the memories so that we might reflect on and enjoy the adventure again.  Yesterday I heard a message received years ago: "Your emotional body does not give a rip what your mental body says."  Our emotions will persist.  They must.  This is our assignment.  The trip through our emotions is essential to our evolution.  So if we take a detour, we will find ourselves retracing the emotional waters to insure that we learn as much as possible about the whole of our experience and to become all we can be.

Once I allowed myself to feel deeply into the messages in my dream, I was able to cry long and hard.  It was cathartic, and because I allowed myself this freedom, critical information then came to guide me further in caring for my health and well being.
I walked around saying, "Thank you, Thank you," and being reminded that of course it was my Wisdom all along and allowing the emotions released it.  I am so grateful for all the loving support I have and embrace this partnership in my healing and becoming.

Breathing with you into our Ease, until next time,

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Living in Gratitude

Good Morning!

How good it feels to be back with you again.  

As I wrote in my gratitude journal last night, I said, "I have this odd feeling that I am here, and not here."  And this may be true because I'm in a state of transition, but as I breathed into the feeling, I realized this feels like a state of being that naturally follows "living in gratitude," being in the world but not of it.

Things flow lately.  Life is more effortless.  Have you, too, noticed those times when everything just seems to flow out in front of you with no obstacles?  When I've had those experiences, they were just that, experiences that came and went and left me wondering why they came and went.  It reminds me now of those "psychic" events that came and went in my early life.  I felt so frustrated and curious.  WHY was this not more consistent?  Did I really have an ability, or was it my imagination gone weird and wild?  When I unexpectedly opened to channel in '83 and the flow of intuitive consciousness gradually became a more normal part of my life, I felt such a relief that, yes, I could trust this aspect of myself.

This present awareness of flow in daily life applies to so many things: the batch of muffins that I effortlessly create; the shopping trip when every single thing (and a few I hadn't planned but needed) is available at the store that is suddenly on my mind; the item I thought I'd lost that, when mentioned, again appears; having the finances to meet extra needs.  Flow.

What has changed?  Well, a lot has changed, of course, and I've put my attention on redesigning my daily life since Mom passed.  Loss has a way of changing perspective, doesn't it?  My redesign includes writing again in my gratitude journal at bedtime, but more than that, I realize that constant gratitude, breathing into gratitude, has become a way of life.

(insert a little throat clearing here) Yes, life continues to present me with karmic items that remind me I still have reason to remain on the planet.  All the more reason to breathe, observing without attachment as to how and why every day works.  So I am here, and not here; flowing in a new channel of Consciousness a good deal of time.

One thing I've noticed, especially.  When a really awful thing happens - when I create an experience that rocks my world - like a huge buck T-boning Faun, my Buick, Thanksgiving weekend,
I am able to breathe and say, OK, I am grateful for the Wisdom in this.  And then breathe to stay in that frame of Mind as it sorts itself out.  If you've done this, you know how the situation is then able to inform us as to its perfection, and the remedy comes through more readily.

A Facebook posting said something like, "Act as if everything is rigged in your favor."  And it is, after all.  So, as soon as possible, why not take a deep breath and shout, "YES!" - the most powerful prayer.

Breathing with gratitude into our shared ease, 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

It No Longer Applies

Greetings from the other side of our calendar!  

How many times I said to Mom, "Whoever would have thought that we'd be saying, "20.. anything", much less 2015, yet here we are.  And we would enjoy a moment of wonder together.

Well, our mother made the transition into 2015, then made her final transition on the 12th day of this new year.  We agree that we are blessed to have known her for so long, and, poignantly, I've realized that the person I've known every moment of my 73 years is no longer physically present; not for a visit, nor a phone call, nor shared laughter or tears, nor reflection on the ironies of this life.

And as I have grieved and breathed and observed my life without her, I am reminded of the message that came for a client: "Whatever your old story, it no longer applies."

Things can change as we allow them to change.  The old stories, however, can freeze us in the past.  Reasserting the old memories in the same language and energy keeps us recycling the old stuff. This is a most vibrant time in our evolution to observe ourselves and the stories we tell about who we are, about our histories, and about the conditions we bring to this life.  They no long apply - unless we persist in retelling them.

It's not so difficult to change the stories we tell, to ourselves or to others.  The observer self comes to assist if we will breathe and listen to ourselves.  Then we can, again with breath, approach the story and feel the way we would prefer to know ourselves and to discern how the story might be told differently.  Yes, who do I prefer to be? In what context would I like to proceed with my life?

Especially changing the stories about significant events, such as the death of a loved one, a crash, an injury, an illness or surgery can alter our future.   If we can breathe, hear ourselves telling about it, and change our approach, our language, then the internal mechanism where it has been held is changed and we free new creational energy to move forward unfettered by the energy of the original event.

Wisdom says, begin with something familiar and simple about your life, saying it differently to yourself than you have ever said it before.  Practice in private can provide you the momentum to increase awareness as you share your life with others.  Remembering that breath is the key to an inspired, new telling of your life, you will successfully alter your future.

Until next time, respectfully, 
Phyllis (until my new story changes me :)