Monday, September 9, 2013

Finding Ease in our Successes

Good Monday Morning!

Are we too results-oriented to appreciate our own successes?  The question comes up as I explore the concept of brain-Mind melding.  

I've felt/seen the conflict in clients when we explore a new means of achieving a desired change.  We talk about the process and the probability of reaching the new goal, an internal outcome that will be very satisfying, but with no obvious evidence to validate what they've invested.

In other words, as a culture we seek validation from those around us who might, seeing our investment, applaud our efforts, thus further anchoring the effect we have achieved.

We have moved into a Cosmic energy that makes possible so much more than we have ever believed possible for humanity.
Yet we are born of a karmic pattern that hungered for concrete evidence and the approval of others.  We love the thought of using this awesome energy to create a new self, a new Earth, while we feel like we're still lumbering along in linear, thus limited, physical dimension.

As I talked with a friend yesterday about the health of her partner, we discussed how he might choose to use the three-point formula to communicate with his system and perhaps achieve a resolution of his symptoms.  Is the formula enough to satisfy that need for concrete evidence?  Once relieved of our symptoms, is it possible for us to relax and celebrate our new creation without validation?
Is our System stronger when we can relax into our own knowing?

When I have shared with others the successes I've had with my own symptoms I've felt the implausibility factor.  And I understand it. I am, by nature, a skeptic.  However, the journey is a great teacher.

I am often prompted to share a physical success with a client or friend, so I have a fertile environment for practicing objectivity; for seeking within myself the ease of knowing without having to seek validation for what I've achieved.  Truth is, seeking to exceed my ego, I often share the successes of others (carefully disguised) to illustrate what is possible.  And so I observe ego; what a fickle thing it is and how, breathing, we can allow it to rest - sometimes. Whew!

We are moving closer to achieving ease, relieving the need to validate our outcomes by seeking the approval of others.  In the meantime, we breathe, we practice, we become.  Some of the good news is that we are doing it in good company.  Thank you for sharing the journey with me.


Friday, September 6, 2013

Brain vs. Mind & the Melding


Yes, it's been a while, and now it's time to process and report what has real meaning go me in the hope that I am actually creating this brain/mind meld as I write.

This is prompted by too many sources to report all of it.
Suffice to say, every time I turn around this week a new element shoots into my awareness and provides fertile ground for this adventure in Consciousness.

As I age I find myself groping for a word, a reference, a concept.  Thoughts of a brain stimulation course have crossed my mind, but I've not acted on it.  And after my sister checked out one of them on line, I had a coalescing thought:  Why not use our Mind, expanded Consciousness, to meld with the brain and stimulate its capacity to function fully.  Why not use what is in our nature already to achieve a finely functioning brain?

Brain function and Mind are so closely related that it really is not feasible to talk about them as separate functions, but we can consider  the ways they are different so that we are more intentional in our access and use.  More focused intention produces more of what we need and want.

Our brains run our physical systems.  We know that if we injure the brain we can lose functions related to that part of the brain.  We also use our brains to process logic, store concepts, create lists, organize life and doing so, feel safe, at least temporarily.  The brain is a linear processor.

Thoughts that come from the brain often prompt emotion.  And emotions will produce thoughts related to the emotion, which in turn produces more emotion - and so the carousel spins.  These two are a rowdy pair.  Like two kids on the playground looking for adventure, brain and emotion partner to promote chaos.

Mind is not brain.  Mind is linked to Cosmic Consciousness.  It is not linear.  As I write this I realize that what I really mean is that Mind IS Cosmic Consciousness.  In fact, we cannot know how expansive it is.  We are born of and raised in a linear physical world.  Exploring Mind, then, is a leap for us; not impossible, but an adventure beyond the concreteness we have trusted - for as long as we have known ourselves.  It is as possible as we allow, as we dare it to be.

If we can embrace that Mind is Cosmic Consciousness, then it's not a big leap to ask ourselves how we might implement it for our benefit.  And when we benefit by expanding Consciousness, then the whole of Consciousness is changed.  Everyone benefits.

I've been exploring how Mind affects my physical being; my health and well being. Now I'm ready to affirm my intention to employ Mind to stimulate my linear brain.  I now know that we have unlimited capacity to adeptly function in this multi-dimensional Universe.  The adventure in Consciousness has reached a tipping point; I cannot stand still and observe.

The good news for all of us is that we do not have to use the brain to figure out how to make that happen.  But because we are linear beings,  we do need to employ conscious process to reestablish the link between brain and Mind.  Using meditation, dreamtime, vocalizing my intention and primarily surrendering with breath, I am on my way to achieving this optimal way to utilize my whole System.

 And I say reestablish because I believe we develop a dependence on our linear world which has the effect of (temporarily) causing a disconnect from fully operating Mind.  Thus we hunger for Spirit, which is what we call The All That Is/Cosmic Consciousness.  We hunger to link brain and Mind to know the Wholeness that is possible - again.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Where the Wisdom Lies

Good Wednesday Morning!

What is wellness to each of us?  And where do we go to achieve it?
I recall so well in about 1970 that my brother who lives in L.A. called to encourage, insist really, that I chant.  He had connected with what was then Nicheren Shoshu of America, a Buddhist sect that chanted Nam Myo-ho Renge Kyo (sp.) for anything they needed/wanted.  

I was washing dishes when he called, involved in my life in northern Minnesota with my husband and two children - and I had developed a painful spastic colon.  As I continued washing my dishes, looking out the window of my kitchen, I began to chant, and the more I chanted the more relaxed I felt.

My practice expanded into joining the organization.  Every day I chanted, and I could feel myself going within as I never had before, finding peace and well-being.  My symptoms disappeared and have never returned.  I continued this practice for several years and it taught me a lot about achieving wellness.

Over the years since I have produced other symptoms of varying severity.  The most significant was the loss of my thyroid.  The story of that journey is too complex to report here, but the upshot was that after it had been irradiated, a surgeon diagnosed a nodule and told me to schedule a surgery to remove it.  I walked out without the appointment, knowing somehow that it wasn't necessary.  During my morning walks I talked to my thyroid & the nodule - or to the area that had been my thyroid - and three times I clearly heard my Inner Voice say, "Benign."

That message gave me peace of mind, so I gave up seeing any doctors for it, and I continued to thank my body for its Wisdom.  It wasn't long before my energy returned and my thyroid recreated itself.  This may be common in medical terms.  I'll never know.  I only need to know that my wise System took care of it because I gave it the opportunity to do so.

Just how big is this System that has all the Wisdom it needs to rectify our well-being?  I'm a person who is programmed to feel responsible for myself, so asking for help from others - even extra-dimensional others - was a stretch for me.  Worth exploring, but not my first reaction to a symptom.

Recently, with some heart issues motivating me, I've expanded my acceptance about what is possible.  Lying down one day after having some pain, I prepared for a meditation and asked for all the help possible to relieve the symptoms and to help me achieve a strong and healthy body.

Quite quickly I was surrounded by and filled with an energy that moved in unfamiliar patterns and identified itself as Metatron, accompanied by extra-dimensional beings I call the OHM.  As they worked in and around my heart I fell asleep.  Now they are always available, as I suppose they always were, accompanied by Jesus, whose presence I have counted on for 30 years.

What I've learned and now trust is that every cell in our bodies holds the memory of its perfect function.  Given the chance to release the shrouds of accumulated compromising beliefs, these core functions can be resurrected - if that is our perfect plan.

Our perfect plan does not necessarily mean perfect physical health. If it did, we would all live into infinity.  No, we have finite physical bodies for a reason.  At least they are finite for most of us, and a discussion of Ascension with the body intact is for another day.  Our finite bodies are a prime experience through which we learn ourselves, exercise our beliefs, and expand Cosmic Consciousness/the Mind of God.  Our symptoms, mental, emotional and physical, are intended to exercise those options.

Enjoying our lives means addressing those symptoms the best way we can.  Sometimes we need to employ a medical professional or a therapist practicing alternative means to assist us.  I believe we are fortunate when we engage with our expanded Consciousness, calling on all the awesome help available, asserting the conviction that best addresses our symptom and surrendering control over what we cannot fully, logically understand.  

Whether it's wellness of body, thoughts or emotion, we can feel the shift within ourselves as we accomplish our objective.  In doing so, we also change the Consciousness, expanding access for anyone else who shares a similar journey.  What a trip!  And I am grateful.


Monday, August 5, 2013

Heaven Can Wait

Good Morning!

The title, "Heaven Can Wait," comes popping into my head as I open this morning.  And it does have to do with what I thought I'd chat about this morning, which is that some days are for nothing, well, nothing obvious.  Every day produces something, but we're so programmed to achieving that when a day looks inactive, as mine was yesterday, the appearance is that it was a nothing day.
Heaven, or Spirit, is a constant, but obviously pursuing anything is not necessary every day.

Re-creation is the foundation for the energy it takes to actively engage in any day.  Yesterday was about recreating myself.  I loved my overnight, Friday night, with my two granddaughters.  What a joy to share life with them for 30 energy-filled hours when we have time to connect.  And then, being such a solitary being, I do need the time to renew.

I'm reminded of the affable and inspired minister at Unity Church in Golden Valley some years ago.  He spoke one day about how Monday was his day off, so he would go golfing.  Then one day, while lining up for a shot, he realized that he was tensing up, trying to improve his game.  His days of planned re-creation were not at all relaxing.  What he really needed was time to renew; time with himself to replenish.

On this gradually sunny Monday I have some things to accomplish and I'll let them flow with breath and confidence that whatever needs doing will naturally come about on its own.

I know what the girls are probably doing today.  They have a new puppy; a Greater Swiss Mountain dog who looks so cute in the first pictures it makes me go, awwwww.  Her official name is themed to her litter - Sunshine Punch - and they'll call her Sunny.  Andrea is delighted with the balance in this.  Their other dogs are Ursa (stars), Luna (moon), so now the addition of the sun is perfect.

While it takes different energy to have two such lively people in my space overnight, I love that I am renewed in that energy, too.
Seeing the world through their eyes is a joy beyond reason.  Well, who needs a reason for joy!?  And speaking of joy, I think my next post will be about health and well-being.  I'm done for today, so I
wish each of you a flowing and perfect day of re-creation.


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Known and Done

On this perfect Minnesota morning, Hello!

Continuing on the theme of Creation this morning, I'm going to review a piece Wisdom offered last October as I was preparing to move from my apartment home of 24 years to our family-owned condo just a few miles away.

With every good intention to surrender control and allow my Universe to take care of everything, I found myself one day making lists.  The irony struck me, I stopped in my mental tracks, then heard "Phyllis, it is Known. It is Done."

I was filled with and surrounded by absolute ease, the lists fell away with each breath and within hours I found my whole move unfolding in my favor.  My cousin called to insist he and his son move me.  My contracted moving company made me a sweet deal I couldn't refuse, and friends in my building disposed of all the large items I could no long use.  Awesome.

We learn early to engage with the emotional body and our brains,  which blocks the flow of all that can provide us ease. We've been trained to create through logic.  We find comfort in making lists, creating a plan.  But the comfort is short-lived; a band aid on our emotional and mental patterns.

Whatever the situation, the need or the symptom, the outcome is Known in Creation.  It is already complete and waiting for us to accept the ease in it.  And because it is Done,  breathing into that alternate and awesome reality allows us to see the elements falling into place in our favor.  When we stand out of the way of the Cosmic flow we can enjoy the benefits of our own Wisdom. What about free will, then?

We work on so many levels of Consciousness, all the time, not just when we're thinking about it.  Our free will engages at the conception of our personality, long before our physical birth.  At all levels of Consciousness our Plan is Known.  As we play out our lives, exercising our free will, we learn through experience.  We always have the right to learn through struggle, making the lists, telling God to do it our way, for whatever reasons.   We also have an opportunity to surrender and allow the Wisdom to work through us for our overall benefit - including the benefit of others.  Where we do not struggle, so are the people around us relieved of the need to complicate their lives.

The conversation about Creation and free will is worth having.  Doing so, we expand our Consciousness and implement our skills. But as we have been guided, as much as we like to talk about it and help one another to achieve a level of ease, we are better off not trying to understand it.  We use so much energy disseminating and trying to make sense of everything.  But Creation defies our linear thinking. We are better off using the tools we have and relaxing into the joy of it all.  

Each day is a new adventure in the joy, the ease, the awesomeness of it all, and I am thrilled by every serendipitous event.  And, yes, I can even appreciate better the contrast when I slip into control mode again.  But from day to day I live more wholly in the Known and Done and celebrate with others their own expanding ease.

Until next week, breathing with you,

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Good Day to you!

How do we create?  From the moment of the formation of our personality, we create.  And while we may never know how and when that happens (wow, the mystery), we do create our patterns, our relationships, our abilities and our challenges.  

The themes come along with the creation of the personality; themes that emanate from the soul.  For at all times we are living to fulfill the soul's purpose, which is to complete the soul, thus to expand the Mind of God/Cosmic Consciousness.

As we go about the business of any day we are creating - too many things, situations, to count.  So every day in our experience is an expansion of that Consciousness, and it is essential to the whole scheme of things, well beyond our limited, linear thinking.  We are so much more than we can know, aren't we?!

Meeting an obstacle in my life means struggling, still, in this physical, emotional and logical package.  The good news is, the longer I practice the more skilled I become and the more I am aware of the larger purposes I am here to achieve.  

We are perhaps most challenged when it comes to relationships.
A situation arises that causes pain, that brings us to questioning all that we have contributed to that pain, and all that seems only to belong to someone else.  Plumbing the depths of our being we either suffer endlessly or we acknowledge, eventually, the larger purpose in this design and find peace.

I am written into the fabric of the lives of every person I know and many I may never meet.  Each of them is written into my script, too.  Our designs are preselected, but the means by which we choose to interact is up to us.  Those actions are directed by free will.

It is comforting to me to know that when I meet my biggest challenges that I am serving some greater purpose, even while I struggle, even while I trip and have to pick myself up.  And I am especially gratified to know that achieving a level of objectivity is an act of faith and of grace that contributes to human evolution. Every day offers opportunities to practice and improve.  Every day I create opportunities to practice my free will.  I am no puppet manipulated by a force outside myself; I am not subject to the will of any other person.

Does that sound grandiose?  Wisdom tells me that it is not; that the more confident we are in our part in the grand scheme of things, not from ego but from conviction, the effect of that insight is exponential.

I love practicing on the little things in every day life.  What time is it?  Breathing, I know.  What is the next best thing to do?  With a breath my System tells me what it needs or how I will best use my time.  I still need to think about it to achieve my goals for objective creativity, but one day, with practice, I will have achieved a balance in my complex system; mental, emotional and physical bodies will align with Mind and life will be effortless.

I thank every person who helps me practice.  Yes, it may take me a breath or ten to conjure up the means to appreciate them :) But there is no greater purpose, no greater reason for being.  And I am GRATEFUL.  

I hope you enjoy a "master-full" Wednesday!  I'll breathe and do my best, too.


Monday, July 29, 2013


Hi, Everyone!

Well, it seems I'm back after a full year.  I don't know yet what it means to be here again, but the rhythm is similar to 30 years ago when I was guided to get up by 6:00, exercise, shower, write for half an hour, then get on with my day.  And so the cycle, while familiar, is brand new in these days of formless creation.

We entered this new formless energy, this Third (New) Earth, over four years ago, and apparently we've adapted pretty well since we are still here and we're functioning.  More than that, we can breathe and feel ourselves better equipped, wiser and more fully involved than ever before.

This formlessness is like being in a room with walls that ripple and evaporate, leaving us to decide what form our rooms, our lives, could take with intention.  We're wide open to options we've never dreamed before.  This is a heady - and often intimidating - experience.  

In the midst of this we are reviewing our histories; like farmers tilling a field of rich loamy earth, we are turning up and examining the underside of our lives.  And we are encouraged to do so with as much objectivity as possible, to breathe and observe without judgement any condition or behavior, any current or past belief that is part of our past.

I recently read an essay on how to do this that was very eloquent.  It was not practical.  Only the most esoteric and evolved student has resolved the emotional body and the stored memories that influence our present.  I am not one of those.  I am still here in this human suit with physical, mental and emotional complexities, still evolving the best way I know how.  And when I find myself reviewing a situation of the past, I know my emotional body will persist with symptoms until I am willing to tap into those emotions and release the energy that produces those symptoms.  

Sometimes that means venting, purging, being loud and boisterous with tears and foot stomping and raging.  Sometimes I can breathe through the symptom, thank it for its gifts, ask for any further Wisdom, and replace it with new intention.  Often, both processes are necessary.  Having done my share of purging, I'm grateful that now, more often than not, the breathing cycle does the trick.  All that I learn from my clients informs me, and they often receive counsel to do the purging - and that the emotional body does not care at all what we think, how we've rationalized a situation.  It must persist with its symptoms until we've learned from it what we've promised to learn in this life cycle.

In formlessness we are unrestricted by the past.  The memory is still there.  We are born in karmic patterns, so memory still plays a  part, but they can become just that, memories, that no longer control our lives.  Yesterday I heard, "Verses versus Vices."  For me that means writing to heal and replace old patterns.  Over the years writing has given me solace and hopefulness for all the help we have available.  For others the catharsis comes through music, exercise, dancing, nature, etc.  

We are encouraged to speak out loud to whatever symptom we discover and to offer thanks for the help that is so abundantly present for each and every one of us.

As we breathe generously into the formlessness we will recall, we will till up, the stored memory, and more efficiently than ever open ourselves to living with increasing ease.  We deserve it.

Breathing with you, in gratitude,