Just when you think (!) you know what you know...
Last week, just after having channeled A. Michael here, I was driving and heard a very strong, clear voice say, "Phyllis, you are still counting." The reference, of course, to my intention to cease keeping a mental ledger. This for that, bills balanced with money, etc. And then, after some conversation, heard, "I am paying your bills."
Now, that's a strange comment from A. Michael, right? So I kept up a running conversation, with gratitude, for the reminders, and only the next day realized this was not Michael, this was God.
I've stated in this blog that I've realized my true vocation is to learn God and to share that wisdom with any who are also searching. In other words, I got myself into this quandary - and this wondrous discovery.
I speak to "God," every day, thankful for the inspiration and counsel. I speak to Mother Earth in the same way, with gratitude for the day, for the support, the nourishment. But all along I have held that "God" is/was an indistinct concept, a body of Consciousness but NOT an actual being.
I have held that God is not male and female. We are born of the masculine Creator and the feminine Earth, just as we are conceived and born of a physical mother and father to this life, so we are born with all the genetic qualities of our Creator, containing and recalling as much of God as we can understand.
With this voice, so strong and distinct, my perceived world fell away and I spent about 30 hours in a depression. Losing what you believed was true is like losing an old friend. Who am I? What does this mean to the world I thought I knew?
I could not deny that the voice was concrete, personal, vivid.
The epiphany I experienced brings me to a new relationship with God, the personality, the voice, the being who is now as real to me as Christ, who is God, but not more than you and I are God; as Archangel Michael; as our friend, Barbara; as real as my human father who passed in 1955.
We, in this physical dimension, are incapable of comprehending God in his totality, but I am happy to have released my doubts. I can accept what is so real to me and release what is beyond my knowing. In the first rush of recall to what I believe we know when we are born, I realized I want to be ordained again. I feel the need to renew vows to this relationship.
Ah, we are all becoming, and for that I am grateful. How bored would we be if we just stopped and thought we had all the answers. I will ask for more counsel about what I can understand, and I thank God for both the questions and the mystery.
Breathing into the mystery,
I am Phyllis, still Becoming