Saturday, November 19, 2011

My Personal String Theory


Today I felt a shift within, as if there were a physical floor shift changing positions on the floor of my old Gremlin.

And tonight when I was quiet and asking for insight about it, I was reminded how compelling the differences in time have been most recently.  No, not the, "My how time flies," experience.  These days the impressions around time are palpable.  So I asked, and this is what I was told.

"Think about a string held between the fingers of both hands.  The string represents time. When it is relaxed, hanging, time seems to move more slowly.  When pulled taut, the appearance is that time is accelerated.  The tension of the energy, here represented by the string, produces the sensation we associate with time.

These days the string is taut. Our evolutionary cycle brings us to this state of exploring time as a human invention to measure the space between sunrise and sunset, for example.  We have been comforted - and controlled - by linear measurement and thinking.  Now we are experimenting with it.  What do we choose it to be?  In what reality do we choose to live?

This whole symbol of the string piques my curiosity about "string theory."  Not that I have a clue what that means, but perhaps reading about it I might absorb some of it by osmosis.

The shift also has to do with how much is contained in any timeframe.  How much do we believe is possible?  The possibilities are literally infinite.  The real question is, how much can we handle?  We may dream hugely, but our belief system monitors what we are able to manage.  Sometimes we feel swamped by it and learn a lot about abundance and whether the flow serves us well. At other times the flow is generous but not overwhelming and we thrive.  And we all know the feeling of lack.  It is only as real as we believe it to be.  Now is a perfect time to breathe and practice stretching our levels of acceptance.  "Time" is on our side.

Until next time, breathing,

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Anchors and Wings


In times of great change, we all need our anchors.  I know some of mine, and I wonder how you would answer if we could sit down to chat.  My family and friends anchor me in love and in challenges that bring me into the reality we must all face.  I soar into other dimensions with my clients, who then anchor me with a hug.  My home anchors me.  Meditation may seem to be a journey outside of self, but it does anchor me.  My church is an anchor, challenging me to personal growth and providing a grounding in faith.

My heart is full and my system at peace, with such gratitude for the loving, creative, generous and enthusiastic people of Lake Superior Interfaith Community Church.  As Ann, our board president said when we came down from the sanctuary Sunday afternoon, finding her standing on a chair applying plastic to the windows (!), "The church is glowing!"  And truly is was/is.

This little church has survived so much, creatively and with determination affirming that it has such value, no matter what the challenge, no matter what change is necessary to raise its Consciousness.  Its sacred nature exceeds any perceived limitation and soars to another level.  I embrace this church, created on a foundation of love, affirming and celebrating that, after 25 years of trips to Duluth to offer messages a few Sundays each year and, in turn, to be served by this church, I am at home.

And, with new members finding themselves happy to be among us, I thought, how perfect that they arrive as the vibration so vividly radiates this loving intention and says, "Yes, here we are and welcome!"

We do not all choose a church to provide us a community of faith, and I'm the first to say it surely is a personal choice.  In fact, had it not been for my church inviting me to speak all those years ago, I don't know that I would have a church.  My mother and daughter-in-love have chosen the White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church, and I attend there with them most Sundays.  That church is an anchor in social justice and a UU church not afraid to explore God, with fabulous music and a minister so inspiring she defies description.

Spirit anchors me and gives me wings.  A church we prefer may not always be available when we need an anchor.  Nurturing ourselves in faith, unique to each of us, we thrive, we find our anchor and our wings.

I am never alone, we are never alone, and with a breath - or several - move from any trouble, any wrinkle in my world to a place where I am solid and clear.  I love the music in a church, the people, the creative approach of a community to reach out, to touch one another and the world outside of its walls.  I am blessed by it, but it is not religion that compels me.  After years of struggle to find who I am with God, I am grateful to have found the path within and without.  I celebrate with each of you the path you choose.  How exciting that we choose differently and help to anchor one another in our discoveries!

Becoming still, with Breath,

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Brief Message

Good Morning!

I have little time this morning because I'm off to Duluth for two days with my church family and I am grateful - and brief.  I do want to comment on yesterday.  Although 11-11-11 was chaotic for many, we survived, didn't we!  If anyone was hoping for an extra serving of "luck." yesterday, I surely hope you got it.  The day and night were full of symbolism and dreams for me and the moon was wonderful.  It is a powerful time of shifting, for sure.

This is a time of turning toward the gift, Wisdom says.  We are in a pivotal moment, taking a step to the right, seeing our possibilities through a new lens, accessing The All That Is more vividly.  As we breathe we let go of more logic to defer, surrender to, what is in store for us, what has always been there.  As our personality came into being, Creation included all the creative energy we would ever need, storing it for us until such time as we believed enough to accept each creation into our lives.  And even as we change our lives and dream bigger, the alchemy of our System brings it into being.  So we might say that everything is there as if in an infinite storehouse, just waiting for us to allow it.

The excitement of this time on planet Earth is palpable.  I hope you can breathe and feel it, breathe and create a space to accept what is already yours.  Anything we can feel, dream and accept we can bring into being.

Have yourselves a fabulous weekend!

Breathing with you in new creations,
I am Phyllis, still Becoming

Monday, November 7, 2011

Reflections on a Symbol

Good Morning!

As we open to this symbolic (at least) week of the 11s, I'm thinking about the movement, the  insights, the guidance this date is generating.  And I wonder if we need anymore of the same.  It's a rich opportunity to add to the wisdom, and if there is anything Archangel Michael has to say about it, I'm open and willing.

Perhaps it is also a time for me to be authentic about what I believe about the date and whether it has significance to me.  My first reaction to the date is to say that, according to numerology, which fascinates me, the "real" numbers for this Friday in November, 2011, are "11-11- 4."  We are in a "4" year, which we get by adding the 2 to the 11.  I know this sounds like sour grapes, like I am sticking a pin in a global belief balloon.  The truth is, I believe more in numerology than in a selective, collective belief.  How can we simply ignore one element in a group of numbers?  It would be the same as doing numerology on my name and leaving out one number because it doesn't produce the image of myself that I prefer.  What?!

We know that what we believe we create.  So the collective belief, fueled by agreement in global consciousness, can produce a result.  The belief is the cause, and we will observe the effect on Friday.
It's the concept of self-fulfilling prophecies on a global level.  Or not.  The human part of us, Michael now says, likes associating with symbols to comfort us in times of great change.  Thank you, Michael.  I hadn't thought of that, but it is true.

I'm feeling quirky this week.  The planet is acting quirkily as well.  Two earthquakes in Oklahoma City in the past two days are indications that pressure is being released in some unusual patterns.  The Mother will do what she must to achieve our rebirthing.  I hear our friend, Barbara, shouting, "YES," considered by some the most dangerous (effective) prayer.  Barbara has been around a lot lately, and I am grateful.  We miss her physical presence but cannot be sad when she makes herself so vividly available to support us on this amazing journey.

Perhaps that's enough rambling on this subject.  Breathing into change is the key.  I strongly recommend it as a stress release and as a contribution to assist Earth in her change.  I am going to
do an extra level of breathing and releasing around the collective belief focused on this symbolic date.
I'll be happy to "see you there!"

Happily, Quirkily,

Friday, November 4, 2011

Symptoms and Systems


My thanks to each of you who has expressed concern about me or commented on missing new blog entries.  Your attention to this blog is gratifying.  I grow and become simply writing it, but truth be told, no one creates a blog without some desire to reach an audience.

This summer was a journey in self-discovery.  It was a summer of moving Mom to an assisted living community, and it was a season of personal inquiry.  I managed to injure my hip, begin a treatment program with a chiropractor and have two heart events that have produced a most amazing meeting with a cardiologist who, after testing and review, defers to my intuition as to whether I take medications!

My symptoms are personal and unique to me.  Symptoms of friends and clients are just as unique to them, but I am seeing some common elements, and Wisdom has offered some common insights.

In this period of massive change on Earth, we are also changing.  Our physical systems are reflecting this change as stress on joints and organs.  Moving forward in times of change is no small feat. Each person has his/her own vulnerabilities, inborn and now more subject to stress, so we want to be cautious about making sweeping generalizations.  At the same time, as we see symptoms crop up and Wisdom offers similar remedies, I take note and reflect on our options.

Balance is always our objective.  Nutrition is always best ingested in foods, where possible.  Wisdom has been offering counsel to increase zinc, for instance, preferably with medical advice if taking supplements.  I never take a supplement without researching its potency, side effects and guidance about natural sources.  Wisdom also encourages increasing intake of root vegetables and foods rich in amino acids for supportive nutrition.  We're human, so we tend to develop patterns of eating that don't match our changing needs.  It pays for us now to look at what we've taken for granted and ask our own insights about what the body is asking for and how we might more intuitively feed ourselves.

We may also need the intervention of doctors or therapists, traditional or alternative partners to answer some questions and open us to our options.  We may even (Oh, my!) need treatment.  I am stubborn,
but I'm not stupid.  Some of the insights I've needed have come because I finally gave in and asked for help.  My own Wisdom was dislodged by intervention.  And my own Wisdom has a better chance to work through me as I breathe and allow it to work for me.

We are in charge of our lives.  Some folks who are consciously engaged in supporting Earth changes are having more pronounced symptoms.  But Earth is not in charge of us.  Earth is not a greater entity than any one of us.  We choose.  Creation invests in us the power to choose and to create beyond what is perceived in our humanity.  We, each of us, is Source to our own Universe.

We are conditioned to believe we are one small part of something too great to understand.  On the contrary, we contain The All That Is, God, Christ Consciousness, Great Spirit, whatever it is that you call a higher power.  Containing it, we assert it.  Or not.  But we have the choice to take the leap now.
Reacting to external systems our bodies struggle in conflict with what it knows to be true.

Humanity is on the threshold of taking its greatest evolutionary leap; to know itself not as part of, and subject to, greater systems, but to know itself to BE System.

Our physical bodies provide symptoms these days to prompt us to reconcile this conundrum, both in our Consciousness and in our physical bodies.

Grateful to have partners like you to share this journey,
I am Phyllis, still Becoming