Monday, October 31, 2011

Change with Intention

Here again and Hello!

Change is a physical cycle so natural that we don't notice most of it.  What we do notice, in Earth's latest changes, are obvious because they cause us to question how safe we are.  Because change is inevitable and it can make us feel uneasy, Wisdom offers us some advice which I have shared with my church and some clients and it seems appropriate here.

To adapt to change, intentionally incorporate change in daily life.  The more we practice change, the more at ease we are with the condition.  The advice is to thoughtfully change some one thing each day or as often as possible.  It can be anything.  The example was to change the way you towel off after your shower or change the place you eat.  Small changes intentionally done each day help us to adapt more easily to change within and around us. 

The quotation from Gandhi, "Be the change you want to see in the world," is a different twist on this guidance.  That sounds intimidating, but when it's in the context of simple changes to adapt with greater ease it feels doable and accomplishes so much.  We might say, "I change simple things to adapt to change in the world."

In yesterday's posting I reflected on my journey toward authentic self.  I've noticed that my awareness of this more deliberate journey came because of the frequent changes that I've incorporated into my days.  Some changes have become better habits like eating more fruit.  Some of them are only an exercise to observe change as a thoughtful condition.

Breath achieves change.  This week I had a medical test in which the technician said that the contrast agent would quickly dissipate from the lungs with each breath.  And I thought, so do we release old energy from the body and achieve change with each breath.  Change is inevitable.  Intentional change expedites the cycle and I know that when each one of us changes on purpose we ease the stress on Earth.  What we do for ourselves has global implications.  What a good thought.

Until next time,

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Greetings on All Hallows Eve!

Burning bridges is not fun.  Once begun, though, it has a momentum of its own.  In other words, intention is powerful and because Creation begins with each of us, our world is shaped by that intention.  I am burning bridges and gathering my wits about me to replace old patterns with what I prefer, what serves me better.

Other people are involved when we burn bridges.  As I release old identities I either change my pattern with others or I release them to other experience that also serves them better.  And people all around me have been providing exactly that stimuli I've needed to identify my more authentic self.  I write that as if it were easy. Ha.

I've written before about how the karmic pattern of predictions serves no one.  My ego-centered self held on for a long time to the comfort of at least the suggestion of psychic insights - even while I voiced my aversion to doing it.  These days, burning those bridges of traditional psychic practice with clients is a focus. 

We are all intuitive.  Being comfortable in that natural state is how we become all we can be, so I am not suggesting we discard this quality.  At the same time, seeking projections diverts our attention to the future, when all the time Wisdom tells us this moment is our assignment.  Here and now, this is where we learn ourselves.  

The past is complete.  Regressions may be a curious journey to take, but here and now in the emotional, mental and physical reality is where we are learning ourselves.  The future, also a curiosity, sidetracks us. 

When we access a probability we are excited by it; we move into mental and emotional, even physical reaction.  I call it a psychic bandaid.  Feels good for a while, but finally we must return to the moment, to the original wound, where we are intended to learn.  The bandaid falls off and we have to face what we avoided.  Even worse, the wound or pattern is repeated.  Another element is that any prediction triggers the brain, then emotions.  Wisdom is not available on that merry-go-round.  The only information that serves us comes from Wisdom, and that comes through breath. The insight that comes through us, in our own sensory experience, is what further inspires and motivates us.

Surrender is essential to achieving that moment, the peace, the internal calm that allows us our personal Wisdom.  Surrender is achieved with breath.  With breath we move out of logic and into Mind.  In Mind, The All That Is, all Wisdom is available and able to reach us as we breathe.

Several people I love have asked recently to access answers to the issues that are scaring them right now.  Our natural reaction is to wish we knew the future.  Offering counsel to breathe and know the moment is a disappointment for those asking.  At the same time each of them is providing me the perfect exercise to further define what serves me best.  I am so grateful.  Owning this script is not simple, but I am closer to my authentic self  as a result.

Recalling the Essential Self is our goal.  Of course this is not the conscious goal of some, but since you are reading this blog, you are probably one of those whose intention is to follow this bumpy road to all Wisdom.  Perhaps you are burning bridges, too.

Deep emotional levels are coming to the surface.  A combination of changing health patterns, expanding and contracting relationships, defining new standards for myself - all are coalescing to prompt this entry.  I wish each of you the Peace that surpasses human understanding and accept it for myself.

Still Becoming,