Greetings in Gratitude!
Lovely the way the Universe works to support what is on my mind. This morning on CNN one topic was "branding." Using Coca Cola and Lady GaGa as examples, branding is the advertising method to make a product or person most marketable. Searching for work or insuring a current job, the use of branding communicates strengths and presumes employers will lean toward the person who is clearest in identifying or branding themselves.
How do we brand ourselves? Is it possible that when we feel others do not appreciate us or misunderstand who we are that it directly relates to how well we know ourselves and how secure we feel in telling others who we are? There is a flip side to this that I'll get to next, but first let's think about branding ourselves.
It's common in our human journey that the person most affected is the person least aware of what brought about an unwanted outcome. We may be oblivious to how we come across to others. The formula for this is something we've talked about before. Wherever I see a symptom in my life, a situation in which I feel misunderstood or the outcomes are not what I want, it's my responsibility to breathe deeply and to ask System/Wisdom to inform me.
You and I are in charge of our scripts. We write them, and isn't it just like us to then argue that someone else isn't reading them correctly! No, we each write our own script which includes the way others interact with us. If they are not recognizing who we are, the reason may well be that we are confused in the way we're "branding" ourselves. Am I clear? How can I be sure unless I breathe and ask my System/Wisdom to clarify how I am communicating my intention, even my identity.
When we breathe and surrender our emotional reaction and mental busy-ness we can intuit what will bring self around, not to sacrifice to the will of another, but to realize whether the premise on which we stand is what we really mean to say to others about ourselves. Has ego, however unintentionally, disguised our clearest intention? It's really common, and the only evidence we need is right in front of us when other people rattle our cages, blocking our way.
Another aspect of "branding" is karmic. I've been facing this lately and struggling with the consequences. Long before I came into this human costume, my soul wrote a script that I've apparently carried along throughout many lifetimes. The script includes an altruistic intention to serve the planet. The flip side is carrying a belief that my physical system is vulnerable to the stressful changes of Earth. I've carried the stress in my thyroid, my kidneys, my skin, my digestive system, my knees, my feet. Yes, that's a big part of who I am and how I feel.
Intense physical symptoms have brought this script to my attention, without a doubt telling me that there is some Wisdom of which I've not been aware. I've known for many years that I feel the planet's stress in my system. What I had not fully explored is that service of this kind is not meant to compromise our health and well being. My belief that service outweighed personal well being was so strong that I had not faced the consequences.
The old message I received long ago has come back to inform me: "Sacrifice Contradicts Creation." And this was never intended to be our goal. We have explored sacrifice in contrast to our potential to live in wholeness. Learning this, we can change our script.
Since realizing the impact of service to Earth and the hidden depths of my beliefs, I've traveled through a few of the layers of my old script. I have intentionally released my karmic masculine and invited the adolescent stage of the balanced Masculine into my pattern. I have spoken to my System, breathing and giving permission for old beliefs to fall away, making way for a healthy system. I've asked for all the help available to me. Surrendering, I can accept all the support to penetrate my physical, mental and emotional bodies. This takes practice, and I continue to discover the means to achieve wholeness/balance.
We are tweaking our beliefs. We are checking out the way we have "branded" ourselves. It's an exciting and challenging time for all of us. Breathing and asking for help, surrendering and allowing support to reach us, we serve best, and achieving wholeness serve all the better.
Until next time,
I am Phyllis, still Becoming